Tuesday, May 14, 2013

learning where you are, is where you are meant to be

I started running over a year ago for exercise.............and to gain my sanity back on long days.  But since the first of the year I have trudged along with great passion.  Passion that has pushed me to run during the week building muscles that I never thought would be possible and running distances without stopping I would have bet you I could have never done.  Long story short, I have gotten OCD in trying to get it in along with working and being a mother.  But today I got up and ran at 6:15 am which is a HUGE accomplishment because that meant getting up 30 minutes before normal (I am NOT a morning person).  But 5.5 miles later I was ready to take on the day.  My runs allow me to think thru my day and plans..........not all go as I direct out but it is MY time that no one needs to be fed, mommy isn't said a million times, and the Farmer hasn't sent me on a wild goose chase.  As I literally get to the driveway, the Farmer has gotten the girls almost ready and given medicine.  WOW, what a help.........
So I drop one at school, come home to feed 2 cattle farms, check the tobacco already in the ground for frost damage, write out and then head to pay bills, come home fix lunch for 3..........and then spend the afternoon running the 1st grade field day for my daughters school.
Whew, and the day wasn't over.......snacks delivered to the farmer and a short trip for the girls to say "hi daddy".........led to planting the garden and making sure our winter food was all set for hopefully another great summer harvest.

Back home to finish dinner that was put together at lunch and showers for the girls so we can make early bedtime for 2 more days of school.  The farmer is still in the field but he has a hot dinner to keep him moving and his girls are bathed and in the bed.  I know sit and view the daily facebook posts and plan for tomorrows long day in the tobacco field.  BUT I LOVE IT...............years it took to find this is where GOD had planned me to be.  Really a farmers wife and farmer/mother................???  Some would say it wasn't for them, and guess what I am glad!!!  Glad that I can sit back and see the foods produced my hands have touched........ the clothes worn were grew by my friends............and most products used everyday started out with in the glimmer of a farmers eye.  It is where I am meant to be.............waking up and going to bed knowing that when my Hands are in the dirt, My heart is at work!!!

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