Tuesday, August 28, 2012

These are a few of my favorite things......

Why yes it is!  One of my favorite things is driving the setter tractor. I have really moved up in the world of setting.  I first started on the back of a 4 man setter, setting the actual plants myself.  Now...........I am the driver.
When May comes the strips have been run, therefore it is time to get the tobacco in the ground.  Two years ago we had a wet spring, which in return shifted the corn crop to a later planting.  So I took over the job of setting our whole tobacco crop.  The view above is my office view until it all gets in the ground.  The tilled looking area is our strips where the plant in supposed to be planted.  The other area is the non tilled area of a corn field where my tires should perfectly align into for the drive.

My first year was so stressful trying to manage the silver point on the front of my tractor into the middle of the tilled strip.  My husbands uses GPS to align the strips but I have to run on my own judgement and the yells of the boys on back to whether I am doing a good job.

Here my husband sets with our 2 workers positioned on the setter.  The carousel setter spins with cups inside where you drop the tobacco plant. Each rider, as in this case Leonel or Oscar pulls a plant from the plant tray above the carousel and drops it into the yellow cups. As the tractor pulls the setter the back wheels spin and the cup opens dropping the plant in to the ground first, second the roots are covered up.
Oscar setting dark tobacco
Leonel with plants pulled dropping into the cups, setting dark tobacco

Here lies the finished product.  A beautiful plant positioned perfectly in the tilled strip.
And if all goes well the field begins to look like this.  And the boss man is much appreciate when it all goes as planned.  Ha ha, and so is my nerves.

Girls getting to set some of the last rows.............

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