Thursday, January 17, 2013

Hello 2013! I have to say I will miss 2012 but thankful for another year and what 2013 has to bring! Last year we learned so many things, some good and some bad. I thought the drought of 2012 would end lives for some of us farmers, lol. It WAS the worst I have seen as a farmers wife. BUT oh the mountains it put in front of us only for us to cross, and cross we did! Prayer was stronger, we were healthy and we learned God makes a way if you are willing to keep FAITH! Every door doesn't have a handle but every door does open! And finding how to do open it was a challenge but soooo blessed when we did. It was a safe year on the farm, and I can't be more thankful for our friends that live, eat, and breath to support us and their families thousands of miles away. 2013, all I can say is bring it! I pray for Health, Happiness, and Faith for each of you fb friends! Its here I learn that I am blessed everyday, and everyday I need to do more for others. I started my morning with 4 happy faces, and a farm full of hungry animals. With a little poop on my boots I remember nothing or no one I am too good for, Thank you Lord for all the small reminders! Just blessed, for another day in the life as the farmers wife. Have a great 2013 FB friends!

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